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Explore how to improve
with 3D printing

Our services


Consultory & 3D manufacturing advice

At Flammae Studio we help companies to integrate 3D printing techniques into the fabrication processes, thus lowering costs and fabrication times.


Get in touch with us and we will guide you through your next 3D printing process. 

3D Design

In order to start a 3D print, we first need the 3D model. We can help you create your own 3D model or improve the one you already have, always focusing on the best printing option.

Get in touch with us and see how we can help you.

Aditive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing is rising in popularity. There are many reasons why it is happening and here, at Flammae 3D, we will help you understand the advantages and guide you through the options. 


Each project is a whole new world, let us help you get the best option.

Assembly + Sanding / Polishment + Primer

In order to get a clean and smooth figure it must be post processed. This process is crucial to get the perfect figure and it may be different for each case.


Check out our post processing section to get the option that best fits your needs.



Here at Flammae Studio, we take great pride on our finishes. Even though there are a lot of options we will be able to fulfill all your requirements in otder to get the PERFECT finished result.


Take a look at the options we offer and choose the on you would like.



There are so many options when it comes to packaging. We offer the packagin service for your primary, secondary and tertiary packaging needs. No matter how far our pieces travel, we'll always make sure they are perfect when they get to you.

Check the different options we offer and choose the one that would work the best.



At Flammae Studio we think everyone should be able to get the perfect custom figure done, that's why we offer worldwide shipping at reasonable prices, thanks to our trusted shipping company.

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Nowdays we have a wide range over +100 diferent materials, these opens up a wide range of possibilities.

With this, we can put highly innovative polymers and tools at your disposal to offer you the best results.

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